Cole also celebrated his 6th Birthday the end of March!!!! Seriously....I have a six year old!! He is such a great kid and for the most part is such a big helper and an awesome older brother. He is one tough cookie and has received the nick name "The Man Child" from some of his friends Dads. But even tough he has the rough and tough side he can really be such a sweetheart! I love him to death and so glad that he is the guinea pig for all of Jer and I's parenting mistakes, he takes it well!! We decided to have a Soccer party for his birthday, which was shocking because I thought for sure he would want some sort of animal party since he is addicted to "Animal planet" and every library book he picks out is about animals! But Soccer it was! We had all of his little buddies over and for 2 hours had total chaos at our house. I definitely can't do that every year, well just stick to the big birthdays and call it good! We sure love him though and our so grateful he is part of our little family!
To Top all that off was Easter!! We headed down to Sunny St. George and for the most part the weather didn't disappoint. We only had one day of rain, but we heated the pool so it didn't matter what the temperature was outside the kids were swim'in! We took the bikes and between the pool, bikes, park and cousins the kids were exhausted by bed time. Which made me even more excited for summer and less excited to come home to a foot of snow in the front yard! Soon enough...right?
i love your kids. they are the cutest! coley is getting so big he is such a sweatheart! love you guys!