Sunday, February 19, 2012
Happy Birthday Carter!
My chubba-bub turned 4 on the 16th! I can't believe it, where did the time go. Being 3rd in line of an all boy family has sure made this kid one tough cookie. Behind all the wrestling and the dirt he is such a sweetheart. He has been such a big helper with the baby and at times I feel bad cause he is so good to entertain himself that I feel like I neglect him at times!! He LOVES green!! We hardly wear anything else and most anything and everything he picks out has some sort of green connection. He loves motorcycles, 4-wheelers and rough houseing with his Dad and brothers. This kid is all boy and now that he is 4 he told his grandpa Stuart he is ready for the "pain cave" (a game my Dad plays with the grand kids). We sure love you carter and are glad you are part of our family!
Blowing out the candles on his cake.
A shockingly decent family photo, even with goofy uncle Jeff in the back!
The sad store bought cake, Baby Drew was my excuse for not making a fun one but lets be honest it was really a laziness issue!!!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Our Greatest Blessing......
He has finally arrived. Drew Hansen Terry was finally born on January 28, 2012. He was 6lbs 7oz and 21 1/2in. Definitely the runt of our litter. He was almost 2lbs less than the rest of my boys, but he is perfect none the less. He was due on the 27Th and three weeks before his due date I started to dilate and he dropped. I was hoping to make it till the 21st because Jeremy's brother was getting married and I didn't want to have to try and figure out a new born at the wedding. So after the 21st came and went I was ready to go into labor. You can only imagine how long the next week was when I was still pregnant on my due date! Anyway, I starting having contraction around 3am Saturday morning, but when I got up they stopped. I was so disappointed, Jer and I even went hiking up the mountain to see if we could get them to start back up again, but nothing! We went through the rest of the day with hardly a contraction, then at 6 Saturday night he was finally ready to come. My contractions started and were about 5 minutes apart and just continued from there. We got the boys to my parents and then headed to the hospital around 8. We got checked in and he came at 11:27, 2 pushes and he was here. I was totally shocked when the told me his weight, I've never had a baby that small, but then when Dr. Ward delivered the placenta, he found a "True Knot" in the cord. They say it doesn't happen to everyone, but most of the time when there is a knot in the cord it can result in a still birth. We are so grateful he is here and that he is healthy. The boys love him so much and he hardly even gets to lay down because he is constantly being held. He does have some red in his hair, but Jer says that he will still love him all the same! We can't imagine life without him!
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