For FHE tonight we headed out to the Zoo to have a little Christmas spirit and freeze our behind off. Even thought there were not a lot of animals out the lights were really pretty and the kids didn't seem to care about the cold. The reindeer and the cats were the only animals other than the reptile that we saw, but my whole family came so we had a good time regardless of the least it wasn't raining right??
All the kids at the end!! Jensen didn't want in cause he had made himself a little hut in the stroller and was not going to give up the warm!
My younger sisters, Mom and Lainey!
Monday, December 20, 2010
The Tim Tam SLAM!!!!
Jeremy served his mission in Australia and they have a cookie called the "Tim Tam". He has always joked about bringing them to the United Sates to sale and make a killing but Pepperidge Farms beat him to it. I had found them in the store and was so excited for Jer to do what the Aussies call a "Tim Tam Slam". You bite opposite corners of the cookie and then suck chocolate milk through it like a straw. Its really good, but talk about a sugar high!!! So Friday night after we did some partying for Kristen's birthday my sisters came over and took part in their first Slam!!!
Brecken in her Chocolate glory!!

The awkward pose!
The awkward pose!
Christmas Program
On Thursday Tate had his Christmas program and shocked us all. He did all of the actions and sang all of the songs..and surprisingly knew most of the words! He is our little sweetheart and loves preschool. He is not excited that he has to go two weeks without school (and I can't say that I am either). I just hope that he can keep that attitude when he gets further into school!

How many spoons does it take???
The other morning I was on the treadmill, but had set the boys out some yogurt and cottage cheese for breakfast. They were eating so well...or so I thought. When I finished I came over to discover they had used a new spoon for every bite! I couldn't really get mad cause they let me get my workout in and they did eat their breakfast all gone (even if it did take every spoon we own)! Love those boys!!!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Ready, Set, Wrestle.....
We signed Cole up for the little Braves Wrestling through Bountiful High School. It has been an interesting experience to say the least. My Dad and brothers wrestled in high school so I thought it would be a good idea! Cole picked up on it really fast and actually turned out to be a pretty decent little wrestler. I just don't think that he is emotionally stable to continue wrestling, I don't think I can be a wrestling Mom either I have my own little match on the outside of the mat hoping it will help! Cole won every one of his matches, but every time he pinned a guy he would be the one crying. Jer asked him why he would cry and he finally told us that he didn't like hurting people. Tate absolutely loved it going and loves wrestling so I might make Cole do it one more year since Tate will be in Kindergarten and can sign up next year. We'll see we might just have to stick to the sports that are more team oriented!:) We finished out the season tonight by going to the BHS Wrestling meet and watching all of the boys who helped out wrestle. Bountiful lost, but it was still fun to go watch the big boys and see Cole root on his coaches!
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