Tuesday, September 21, 2010
FHE up the "B"!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Labor Day Weekend!
We spent the weekend up at the cabin and had a great time. We spent Saturday on the lake, it was a little cold but you would never know with how much fun the kids had. Sunday was spent mulling around the cabin and mauling the neighbors chickens. Monday we came home so Jer could do a sprint triathlon at the rec center (he is training for an Olympic one the end of October). we then went up the canyon "FISHING" with our home made fishing poles, which translated into the older boys throwing a worm in then Carter chucking a rock before the worm hit the water. Needless to say we didn't catch much, luckily someone left one tied up to a tree so the boys felt like they got one. Plus they came home soaked and muddy, overall it was a great success!! I ran a few errands and when I came home Carter was out int he circle riding his big boy bike with no training wheels. Jer is really good to push our kids real young because if it were up to me Tate would still have training wheels. We had a great, busy weekend full of all sorts of adventures. It is going to be rough to get back to reality.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
First Day!
Cole on his first day!
Tate showing that he is 4 and ready for school! (He would not wear his backpack for the pictures!)