I have been long over due for an update on my blog...LONG overdue. But I feel like I have had so much going on and I didn't want to skip anything so instead I just didn't blog. But so I can move on and feel better about posting again, I am doing a quick recap of a lot of the things that have gone on since the last time I blogged!! I'm more of a picture person so to make my life easier I have a lot of pictures and lets just hope they are worth a thousand words!!! In April
Jer and Alisha came into town and we threw the
Jer's a surprise party for their 30
th birthday. My
Jer had no idea and we have such great friends and family that the turn out was awesome!! Luckily I have made it through my 30
th birthday with no pay backs!!

graduated from his
Kinder music class, he has now moved into piano and is doing really well. I can't believe how long his hair was too!!
Jer and I did the sprint and splash
triathlon at the rec center.
Jer is a seasoned triathlete but this was my first and I had a blast. I will
definitely be doing another one!

The Mater turned 5....crazy how fast they grow up! He is such my sweetheart and peacemaker. I hope that he always stays as sweet as he is now!

Summer Buzz...need I say more!

Lots of Baseball and Soccer. This was
Tate's first year in T-ball and he loved it. Cole got to play machine pitch and made the all-star team. The problem with them loving it so much is that they want to try everything, soccer, baseball,
lacrosse, football. I can understand why
Jer's parent kept things simple for them growing up!! With just the 2 of them in things their is a lot of juggling! I can't image throwing 2 more into the mix!!

Lots and Lots of SWIMMING!! Between grandmas pool, boating, and sprinklers my boys spent a lot of time in the water. They are all little fish. Carter loves to swim (without
floaties). He doesn't stray to far from the edge but they all love to be in the water. Cole has turned into a very good little
wake boarder and while
Jer thinks that they should all be turning
back flips at 5, Tate is pretty content skiing right now. Carter is still warming up to the whole ski thing, but the all love to tube!! This is the first year that they actually like it instead of crying the entire time the are out there!! Let just hope it continues that way.

There was a lot of fishing!

Summer is never complete without a few trip up the B to roast tin foil dinners and
s'mores and shoot a few guns!!

Of Course Fireworks!!!

The boys all started some sort of School this year. Cole started 2
nd, Tate finally got to start kindergarten and Carter started preschool. They are all doing so well,
Cole's reading has improved a ton and Tate tries to sound out everything!! Carter is just happy to finally be one of the big kids and go to school!
Jer has participated in several
Tris this summer. With the
Spud man in July (which I forgot my camera) and also the Bear Lake brawl. He ended up placing 2
nd in his age group, he really loves having something to train for. The boys loved being able to go watch him, and they also found some fun in the water catching frogs!!
Jer and I also got to go to Australia!!! A once in a lifetime trip. One of the guys that he taught on his mission that he has kept in good contact with was getting married. So
Jer and I went over and were able to attend his sealing. It was such a neat experience. We spent 4 days with him and his family and after we got to go and do all of the touristy things that
Jer never got to do while he was on his mission. It was a fun trip for
Jer and I and one that will probably take another 10 years to be able to do again..... if that!!!
We had such a fun summer and this isn't even the half of it. Alisha got to come and spend 3 months here while they were in transition from Arizona to Cali. It was so fun to have her and her kids. A small
glimpse of what it will be like when they get to finally move back to Utah. Shelly left on her Mission,
Brecken took off for south America and
Jer and I have been looking forward to welcoming baby #4 to the family in
January!! Lots of things going on and now that I feel like I have things somewhat up-dated I just might stay on top of things!!