I can't believe that we are already through February!! Where does the time go. I have thought about blogging several times, but that's where it ended....with a thought. So here is one long February post and a pre apology for all of the pictures! We had a great February, it started with some home remodeling...pictures will follow cause even though it started with remodeling it did not end with it! When I have the finished pictures I'll post a few of those! For Valentines Day the boys participated in the Rec centers Cupid 1K. They loved it...all except for Carter, he cried every time someone cheered for him(or cheered at all!) But the other boys did great. Cole finished 4Th overall and 3rd for his age group and Tate finished 3rd for his age group as well. It was fun to see them excited to get out and be active, the Rec center gave them a great goodie bag filled with all sorts of fun stuff and did a great job making them feel special, they are already asking when the next race is!
Getting ready to race...
Cole Coming to the finish line
Tate soon after... if you ask Tate about the race he will tell you he took all of the short cuts he could.....Were not sure if there were any to take, but that's our Tater!!

The boys showing their muscles after the race!
They did the Race with their Cousins Kallie and Megan, Thanks Jo for telling us about it!!
After the big Race Jer was itching to go up the "B" and let the boys shoot his new little "22", a gun that I found out about when we got up and started unloading to shoot! Jer claims that we had talked about it and said that it would be fun to have one, so he got one! Yes I said that it would be fun to have one, I just didn't know that translated to "Honey Go get one RIGHT now"!!!
Tate shooting with a little help from Dad.

Me taking my turn to shoot a few!
Cole practicing good gun safety!:)
My handsome Devil of a husband!!
The kids probably had more fun sliding down the hill on their bums then actually shooting the guns, but either way the whole day was a blast!!
My Baby also turned 3 on February 16th....I can't believe it. He is such a good boy and as if on cue we wound up in the doctors office with double Ear infections.....again!! This makes 2 years in a row!! Happy Birthday to you chub...seriously! You would not have known he was sick though, he is such a content kid. We have a few hours a week that we get to spend time together while the other boys are at school and I love every minute of it. I am sad to see him grow up and start preschool (even though he is SOOOOO ready to be one of the big boys!!) I am so grateful for this little boy and what a blessing he is in my life. He definitely has some spirit, but has such a sweet heart (Definitely more like his Dad than his Mom) We love you so much Carter and are so glad that you are here and complete our family!
He didn't really want to eat the cupcakes he just wanted to make road out of the frosting.
Okay, he ate a little.
Me and Jer with the chub on his birthday!

Carter kept telling me that he wanted to be "this many"... like I said before he is SOOO ready to be one of the big kids.
On Presidents day we headed up to the Cabin. My boys absolutely love it up there. They were mad at us when they found out that we were only going to spend one night up there. We had the whole crew up too, My parents, Jen and Tom, and all younger unmarried siblings. No trip is complete without a tow from the wheelers!!
Grandpa getting in on the sledding action with the Grand kids!
Tate in total heaven!! Finding the sweet spot between Shelly and Chance so he could molest both of their ears!!
The boys showing their muscles after the race!
Carter kept telling me that he wanted to be "this many"... like I said before he is SOOO ready to be one of the big kids.