The boys made Halloween costumes pretty easy on me this year. We just had to choose a weapon and the rest just followed. The weapons of choice this year were guns (ever since Jer shot his dear the boys have been obsessed with them! So naturally they were Cowboys! Every time they changed their minds I would just have to tell them that they would not be able to carry their guns (not that they could at school anyway)...So cowboys they were! We went to dinner at some friends house and then headed out into the pouring....miserable rain. I made the boys take off their costumes..except for the guns of course to do any trick or treating! So the neighborhood just thought the boys were gun crazy kids! The rain may have slowed them but it definitely didn't stop them, we made it around the block and that was good enough for me and gratefully for them too! Here are some pictures of them when they actually looked like Cowboys! Jer and I got dressed up Friday night for our friend party...I'll post more on that when I get all the pictures from it....Robin!
Tate smiling but not looking at the camera...even with a gun at his head!:)
Here is the Chub next to what was left of his green pumpkin! He loved that thing and it showed, he had it inside more than it sat on our porch!

Cole trying to be a tough guy! He was mad because he didn't get the hat of his choice!
Tate had a little Halloween program, his Teacher was nice enough to do it on Tuesday so we could go the the elementary parade on Thursday. I don't think he is going to be the performer of the family. He sang and knew all the words, but did none of the actions! I sure love him and his "I don't care attitude." Here he is with Brecken, Grandma and Carter.
Cole trying to be a tough guy! He was mad because he didn't get the hat of his choice!