Thursday, December 3, 2009
What... a tooth!!!
Cole lost his first TOOTH!!!! I can't believe we are already starting (Does it really start this young? Or am I really that old?) Crazy... I don't know what the rates are for tooth fairies, but ours only pays a buck and is at a fixed rate for the next thirty years!!! (I figure by the time they loose all of their teeth they have made a good twenty bucks at least!) He has another one that is sure to follow soon so well really be singing "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth"!
Thanksgiving Fun!!!
What a wonderful time of year. I think that Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. There are no hot parades, no cold candy hunting, and no gift giving. Just good time spent with family and lots of great food! We spent the majority of the time up at my families cabin in huntsville, but came down and did the big turkey carving with Jers fam. We didn't get to play our annual football game, but with the way the weather is going, we may be able to play that on Christmas!
Here are some pictures of the fun!
No snow but it was still cold, the kids spent all day being pulled on the sled behind the four wheeler!
Here are some pictures of the fun!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Happy Halloween
We had a great Halloweeen this year! Its fun to have kids who understand trick-or-treating, rather than just hating being in the cold and not understanding whats going on. Between Jers mom and my Mom the kids had so much fun going on scavenger hunts, carving pumpkins, and playing Halloween games, that trick-or-treating was just the icing on the cake! Jer and I had a Halloween Party as well. It was a lot of fun and its always a blast to see what everyone comes up with as costumes. We are never disappointed that's for sure! Jer and I have yet to win the costume contest, but look out next year cause I'm in charge of our costumes! Thanks Jamie for another great Party!
Lindsay only made first attendant, but that didn't bother her because she loved her dress!

Bobbing for apples, Kirk soaked the floor.
Brett giving a little "Ca Ca" after retrieving his! Unfortunately he had to take off his pooh costume.. yes he was pooh for Halloween.

Bobbing for apples, Kirk soaked the floor.

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Bunny Blasting!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Pumpkin Hunt!
Coles pick!
For Family home evening we decided to try a new pumpkin patch up in Syracuse. Although the drive was an absolute nightmare, the pumpkins and the tractor ride were worth the headache! It was freezing and we had to rush the pumpkin picking to beat the rain, but the kids lived it! Thanks Uncle Tommy, looks like we have a new Halloween tradition!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I have a BLOG!
I know, I know, I am finally one of "those people". It took my sister coming all the way from Arizona to get me to set up a blog! Yes its not that hard, but I'm not making any promises to the consistency of updates!
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